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“Land Your Canada Dream Job as a Caregiver or Healthcare Worker”

Safer, Faster, Easier and With Less Stress, Hassle, or Uncertainty

Learn How to Attract, Apply, and Get Hired for the 2024 Caregiver Pilot Program in Canada. 

A Migration Coaching Program and Global Employability Skill Workshop for Skilled Healthcare Workers 

seeking to accelerate their careers through international job opportunities.



You Can Now Land Your Dream Job in Canada With A Genuine Work Permit Through the New Canada Caregiver Program…….Without Being Scammed, Exploited or Defrauded!

This is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY for you as a healthcare worker!

This is FASTEST, SAFEST AND EASIEST WAY EVER for YOU to  Relocate To Canada between 2024 and 2025!

No Matter Who You Are, Where You Live, Or How Much You Have…..

This is the Best Migration Coaching Program That Will Help You Position Yourself Strategically to Land Your Dream Job in Canada as a Caregiver, Without Falling Victims to Heartless Agents, Blood Thirsty Fraudsters or Crazy Scammers!


Someone You Know Has Been Through This – Maybe Even You

Jemimah is a nurse from Kenya. She had always dreamed of relocating to the United Kingdom for a better life. She tried writing IELTS and after 6 unsuccessful attempts, she gave up hope of ever passing. When the opportunity for caregivers ooennup in the UK, she tirelessly applied for jobs, sending out over 150 applications with no success. Her hope waned, and confusion set in. Was her resume the problem? Or was she applying to the wrong jobs? Desperate for answers, she turned to an agent who promised her a job and a smooth relocation process for a fee. Trusting him, she paid a substantial amount, only to find out later that it was all a scam. The job offer was fake, and the agent disappeared with her money, leaving Jemimah devastated and deeper in debt. She lost over £6,500!


If you have been frustrated and exhausted on the international job search, this is the opportunity to change your story.

What you are about to access will give you something you can never find anywhere on the internet!




A signature coaching program aimed at promoting safe, orderly, ethical, and regular migration and protecting international candidates from greedy agents, heartless fraudsters and blood thirsty scammers.

Click on the button above to register

If You Are Planning to Land a Caregiver Job in Canada, this is for you!

If your dream is to Migrate to the Australia, Europe, or Any Other Destination of Your Choice which will soon open up their own caregiver program, This is for You!

Are you Seeking to Bring a Whole New Level of Energy and Enthusiasm to Your Relocation Journey and Get That Result That Has Been Missing?

Or Get Access to 24/7 Support and Valuable Resources That Will Help You Accelerate Your Overseas Career and Achieve Your Relocation Dream in 2024 and Beyond?



You Can Now Take Your Relocation Journey to the Next Level Without Being Stuck or Scammed!



It Was His Loss, Not Yours!

Ishmael is an experienced truck driver from Nigeria. He really wanted to move to Canada for better opportunities. He heard about a lucrative job opportunity in Canada through a friend’s recommendation and contacted the agent involved. After paying over $3,700 Canadian for the job offer and supposed interview arrangements, Ishmael received a call from someone posing as an employer. Everything seemed legitimate until the last minute when he discovered it was all fake. It was too late! All the money went down the drain! The job, the interview, and the agent were part of an elaborate scam. Ishmael was left with nothing but the harsh reality of his loss and the realization that he had been deceived. He is currently on medications for depression.

“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordan

It's Time to STOP Struggling on Your Own!

Our goal is to empower international talents to take ownership of their migration journey instead of handing over their entire lives to unscrupulous individuals.


2 years ago, I led an overseas career coaching program for caregivers.

My team and I provided career support to talents who were seeking international job opportunities.

Everything was going on well until disaster struck.

Greedy agents and heartless scammers took over the international recruitment field.

They made it extremely difficult for qualified candidates to land jobs that were supposed to be readily available.

A lot of unqualified individuals were handed opportunities that should have gone to qualified candidates.

Not only were many international care workers compelled to pay thousands of pounds in agency fees for jobs that don’t exist…

Many desperately sign restrictive contracts

A lot of them became stranded
– ⁠Others were threatened with deportation if they don’t hand over thousands of pounds.
And many suffered heavy losses

And this was just the tip of the iceberg.

Care workers experienced life-threatening mental health crisis after being treated poorly at work, only to be told they would have to pay thousands if they wanted to resign.

We were endlessly approached by agents who wanted to work with candidates in my community in exchange for paying me thousands of pounds.

The pressure to compromise integrity was so overwhelming that we decided to shut down the UK caregiver coaching program and took a break.

Even as much as we tried to concentrate on supporting those who were close friends in my innermost circle, it was extremely difficult to help as scammers have taken over the entire recruitment process.

In the last one year alone, over 45 individuals have reached out with SOS calls crying for help.

These were victims of one of the immigration scam or the other; or involved in a series of shocking conditions, miserable predicaments and incidences of threats of being deported after they arrived in the UK.

This terrible experiences which happened to people very close to me compelled my team and I to devote more energy to creating a international migration coaching program. 

The goal is to empower international talents to take ownership of their migration journey instead of handing over their lives to unscrupulous individuals.

Here Is An Exciting Opportunity To Get:

Expert Guidance And Overwhelming Support Will Not Only Help You Gain Far More Clarity, Meaningful Direction & Purpose On Your Overseas Career Pathway and Relocation Journey But also Show You Exactly How To Make Your Dream Come True Within The Shortest Possible Time And With Less Stress!

Forget about job market struggles. Don’t worry about career uncertainties. Once you know the international job search secrets inside this exciting boot camp, you’ll never again have to deal with the frustration of not landing your dream job abroad!

That’s because the “Work Abroad Coaching Program” is an intensive, hands-on program that will show you exactly how to secure your dream job abroad.

You Can Join the Program  IF:

You are just starting your relocation journey afresh, and you don’t even know how to go about it.

You have already started your migration journey but struggling to find your way through.

You are getting tired as your efforts to get overseas jobs or school admissions are not yielding the right results.

You are completely stuck, emotionally drained, psychologically exhausted, and physically frustrated on your relocation journey and need expert counseling, guidance, or support to take your energy and enthusiasm to a whole new level.

You are on the verge of leaving your country or arriving in your destination country, and you need support with travel plans, immigration, settlement, adaptation, acclimatization, or integration into your destination country.

Save Your Spot by Clicking on the Button Below and Join as:

A Fresh Graduate

An International Student

A Skilled Worker

A Healthcare Professional

We Want To Help You In Just 3 Steps

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then you need us to help you!

“If you want to get the wow moments, those special hacks and unshared secrets you won’t find anywhere, the Work Abroad Boot Camp is the best place to start!” — Lilian Fred

To stand out, you need to align the right strategy with execution.

This 3-day program is perfect for you if you want to…

  • Master How to Attract and Capture the Attention of International Recruiters Approved by the Canadian government.
  • Get interviews quickly: Finally learn how to create compelling LinkedIn profile that will make you stand out and land you interviews without even applying for the job!.
  • Stop being ghosted by recruiters: Find the secret to keep engaged with your recruiter - Steal the same application strategy that global talents are using to land offers at Google, Meta and Salesforce.
  • Feel confident in every interview: Learn how to effortlessly prepare for interviews and how to answer interview questions the right way (even if you suck at it).
  • Sit in the Same Room with Diaspora-Based Experts, Mentors, and Coaches and Join the Live Interviews Where They Will Share Their Motivational Stories and Inspirational Journeys With You and Inspire You to Smash Your Relocation Goals
  • Practical Help That Will Empower You to Efficiently Plan Your Career, Attract the Perfect Overseas Jobs, Secure Your Dream Admission and Fulfil Your Burning Desire to Explore Global Opportunities
  • Access Hidden Knowledge and Acquire the Practical Skills and Experience You Need to Make Your Overseas Journey Easier Than Ever
  • Complete Guide on How to Transition from Your Current Carer to a New Career Abroad and Get Help With Needed Practical Support With Apprenticeship, Mentorship, Coaching or Foreign Exchange Programs
  • Get Unlimited Access to Over 800 Universities Across the World Where You Can Seek, Apply, and Successfully Get the Admission to Your Most Choiced Institution
  • Guide on How to Take Your Study Abroad Dreams to a Whole New Level by Accessing and Securing Exciting Scholarships and Funding Opportunities for Your Study Abroad Plans
  • Top Secrets to How You Can Easily Smash Your International Language Tests and Professional Exams Goals Whether You Are Sitting for the First Time Ever or Are Currently Stuck Tired and Exhausted From Past Failed Attempts
  • How to Navigate Your Immigration Journey, Visa Application and Processing, and Job Contract Scrutiny With 100% Overwhelming Support
  • How to Instantly Increase Your Marketability, Employability, and Suitability by Transforming from a Local Applicant to International Applicant That Is Highly Attractive in the Global Job Market
  • Top Tips from International Recruiters and Academic Scholars on Optimising Your Personal Statement, Motivation Letters, Resume, Cover Letters, Job Applications, and Interview Preparation to International Standard
  • Get Immediate Answers to over 100 Frequently Asked Questions About Working Abroad, Studying Abroad, Migration, Relocation, and Adaptation to Your New Country
  • Close Door Access to Mentorship and Coaching Classes for Job Application Reviews, Mock Tests & Exam Preparations, Interview Drills, and Job Search Techniques With Some of the Best Mentors and Coaches in the Diaspora!
  • Get Expert Help in Choosing The Best Study Pathway and Destination Country for Your Study Abroad Ambitions and Plans
  • Navigate the Challenges of International Recruitment and Learn the Hidden Secrets to Securing Visa Sponsorship Jobs Overseas
  • Connect with a Powerful Network of Diaspora-based Mentors and Coaches Who Will Only Hold You by the Hand But Also Help You Settle in Fast As You Arrive, Settle Down, and Embark on a Fresh Start in Your New Country

“But I have tried everything and nothing worked for me”
We understand the frustration of having a job application ignored or rejected – we’ve been there.


As hiring managers, we’ve witnessed many mistakes made by jobseekers in the application and interview process – mistakes we’ve personally made when we were in your shoes. From incomplete CVs to unstructured interview answers, we’ve what differentiates a good and a bad candidate.

That’s exactly why we created the Program. 

It’s a tool born out of the experiences of our external facilitators whose own experiences helped them and job offers at companies like Google, HubSpot and Meta. Our method is designed to cut through the noise, providing you with a clear and effective roadmap to landing your dream job.

To stand out, you need to align the right strategy with execution.

This 3-day program is perfect for you if you want to…

Are you like Funmi, who successfully transitioned from a teaching career to an international job in healthcare.

"Before I registered for Japademy's exclusive masterclass,' I felt stuck in my local job. This program opened my eyes to the global opportunities available, and now I’m thriving in a challenging role abroad. I can't thank the organizers enough!" - Olufunmilayo

Or maybe you’ll feel like Mensah, who successfully migrated from Ghana to the United Kingdom as a caregiver without paying anybody a dime!

"The 'Overseas Dream Job Coaching Program in 2022 was a game-changer for me. The insights, strategies, and practical tips were invaluable. Though it took me months, at the end, I had multiple job offers from international companies. It's a must-attend for anyone serious about an international career." - Mensah

Look, you could be the next success story. You could be just like Funmi and Mensah.

Because in as little as a fee , you too could land your overseas dream job!

Best of all, it’s easy to increase your chance of securing your dream job abroad by 500%!

All you have to do is register for the Immersive Coaching Program below!

What We Will Cover at the 4-Week Land Your Dream Job Career Accelerator Coaching Program:


The exact hacks and 5-pillar strategy that have landed successful applicants their dream jobs in multi-national companies and international employers 🔥

This 4-week program is perfect for you if you want to…

  • Introduction to International Recruitment: Everything You Need to Know
  • Sit in the Same Room with Diaspora-Based Experts, Mentors, and Coaches and Join the Live Interviews Where They Will Share Their Motivational Stories and Inspirational Journeys With You and Inspire You to Smash Your Relocation Goals
  • Master How to Attract and Capture the Attention of International Recruiters Approved by the Canadian government.
  • Get interviews quickly: Finally learn how to create compelling LinkedIn profile that will make you stand out and land you interviews without even applying for the job!.
  • Stop being ghosted by recruiters: Find the secret to keep engaged with your recruiter - Steal the same application strategy that global talents are using to land offers at Google, Meta and Salesforce.
  • Feel confident in every interview: Learn how to effortlessly prepare for interviews and how to answer interview questions the right way (even if you suck at it).
  • Practical Help That Will Empower You to Efficiently Plan Your Career, Attract the Perfect Overseas Jobs, Secure Your Dream Admission and Fulfil Your Burning Desire to Explore Global Opportunities
  • Access Hidden Knowledge and Acquire the Practical Skills and Experience You Need to Make Your Overseas Journey Easier Than Ever
  • Complete Guide on How to Transition from Your Current Carer to a New Career Abroad and Get Help With Needed Practical Support With Apprenticeship, Mentorship, Coaching or Foreign Exchange Programs
  • Get Unlimited Access to Over 800 Universities Across the World Where You Can Seek, Apply, and Successfully Get the Admission to Your Most Choiced Institution
  • Top Secrets to How You Can Easily Smash Your International Language Tests and Professional Exams Goals Whether You Are Sitting for the First Time Ever or Are Currently Stuck Tired and Exhausted From Past Failed Attempts
  • How to Navigate Your Immigration Journey, Visa Application and Processing, and Job Contract Scrutiny With 100% Overwhelming Support
  • How to Instantly Increase Your Marketability, Employability, and Suitability by Transforming from a Local Applicant to International Applicant That Is Highly Attractive in the Global Job Market
  • Top Tips from International Recruiters and Academic Scholars on Optimising Your Personal Statement, Motivation Letters, Resume, Cover Letters, Job Applications, and Interview Preparation to International Standard
  • Get Immediate Answers to over 100 Frequently Asked Questions About Working Abroad, Studying Abroad, Migration, Relocation, and Adaptation to Your New Country
  • Close Door Access to Mentorship and Coaching Classes for Job Application Reviews, Mock Tests & Exam Preparations, Interview Drills, and Job Search Techniques With Some of the Best Mentors and Coaches in the Diaspora!
  • Get Expert Help in Choosing The Best Study Pathway and Destination Country for Your Study Abroad Ambitions and Plans
  • Navigate the Challenges of International Recruitment and Learn the Hidden Secrets to Securing Visa Sponsorship Jobs Overseas
  • Connect with a Powerful Network of Diaspora-based Mentors and Coaches Who Will Only Hold You by the Hand But Also Help You Settle in Fast As You Arrive, Settle Down, and Embark on a Fresh Start in Your New Country

Choose Your Package

Choose the package that best fits your needs and embark on your journey to success today!

You’ll Secure Your Overseas Dream Job – Or We’ll Lose Our Minds!

Look, you don’t even have to say “yes” today. All you have to say is “Maybe and then make a part payment.” Because when you register now, I’ll automatically extend to you my 90-Day Iron-Clad, No-Questions-Asked, Satisfaction Guarantee

If this program doesn’t help you reposition strategically for your  international career, or if you’re unsatisfied for ANY reason, simply let us know within the first 14 days of your program, and we’ll refund your investment, no questions asked.

Your satisfaction is our priority, and we stand behind the quality of our programs.

Fair enough?

Then there’s just one thing left for you to do…

Take Advantage of this 24-Hour Golden Opportunity – Make a $10 dollar Deposit Now and Secure Your Slot Before July 1st!

Your next step is easy – Click the registration link below and make a $10 dollar desposit now!


We want to Help You Secure Your Overseas Dream Job – Or We’ll Lose Our Minds!

Join The Next Cohort at a 75% Discount!


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Get ready to meet some of the most impacting career mentors, coaches, career counselors, and relocation experts who have helped HUNDREDS of people achieve their dreams!

And guess what? You will get full access as they share their motivational tales, inspirational stories, and SECRET OF THEIR SUCCESSES during the Live Sessions of this Personalized Coaching Program.

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Slide or swipe from right to left to view our testimonials above

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  • When You Finally Secure that Visa Sponsorship Job
  • Secure Your Dream Admission or Scholarship with an International Institution
  • Complete Your Relocation Move to Your Dream Country with Your Family
  • Settle In Fast, Acclimitize, Quickly Adapt to the New Culture, and Achieve Unbelievable Progress Within a Short Period of Time
  • Rapidly Transform, Transit or Accelerate a Flourishing Career in Your New Country
  • Give Your Family the Opportunity of a Life Time to Live the Life of Their Dreams

Did That Tick All the Boxes For You???

Then, Click the Button Below to Get Started With a Whole New Level of Energy, Motivation and Inspiration!

Only Few Spots Left



Join the Land Your Dream Job Personalized Coaching Program Now & Get All The Support, Guidance, Motivation, and Inspiration You Rightfully Deserve On This Journey.

Don’t Miss Out On the Excitement and Fun!!!



“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” – Henry Ford



Join The Next Cohort at a 75% Discount!


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