5 Top Soft Skills That Makes Your Resume Looks Good for Overseas Jobs

5 Top Soft Skills That Makes Your Resume Looks Good for Overseas Jobs

Getting a job abroad is one of the best ways to improve your life and that of your family. Asides that, it gives you However, securing an international job has become highly competitive hence, you need to put in some extra work to stand out from your competitors.

Taking extra time out to transform your CV can solve half of the problem for you. Polishing up your resume is one of the wisest investments that is worth all the effort. It will definitely pay off!

Our experts at JapaDemy have compiled 5 soft skills that can dramatically transform your CV/Resume CV and help you land that job abroad.

1. Communication

Communication is an essential skill in the workplace, especially when it comes to working effectively with others, without misunderstandings or confusion. It’s also important to build relationships with colleagues and/or clients and ensure that your company’s goals are met.

Ensure you can communicate with others who speak another language, use new terminology and have different accents. This is even more important when you’re working abroad as you’ll need to ensure you can communicate with others who speak another language, use new terminology and have different accents.

Effective communication also involves your listening, negotiation and writing skills. Which means that you need to give examples of where you’ve excelled at these. But also, you need to prove that you have these skills by constructing a well-written, coherent and mistake-free CV.

After all, it won’t convince the hiring manager that you have brilliant communication skills if they don’t understand what you’ve written.

2. A Foreign language

This cannot be overemphasized. Having a second language that is internationally recognized can make you an irresistible asset for employers and recruiters. Even if the country you’re traveling to speaks English, you may have to interact with others who don’t. This also puts you in a better position to get side jobs requiring someone who can interpret or translate.

While it’s not always a requirement to speak the language of the country you’re visiting, it would still benefit you and look good on your application.

Employers will think highly of someone’s application who has language skills, as it shows they’re culturally aware. Plus, learning a language is difficult and it suggests that you have high motivation, dedication, and commitment, which are qualities that most employers look for in candidates.

3. Independence

Moving abroad is a big step; you’ll properly be in an unfamiliar place with new people and a new culture to immerse yourself in. The work life is likely to be very different from your home country, with new expectations, rules, and standards.

You will need to use initiative and be able to think for yourself to succeed. Therefore, most employers will be looking for independent candidates who can adapt well to this.

Those who are independent are usually able to demonstrate that they can work without supervision, are self-motivated, organized and confident. To present these qualities on your CV, emphasize your passion and enthusiasm while giving examples of where you showed forward thinking and were proactive.

Although, be wary of making it sound like you don’t enjoy working in a team. Do this by focusing on how your independence and hard work also helped a wider group reach a common goal.

4. Adaptability

You’re going to be in a new place with different expectations. Therefore, the employer will want to know that you’re flexible and that you’ll adapt to your surroundings.

Part of being adaptable is also thinking of solutions and being open to change. For example, if your idea is rejected or needs updating, employers want to see that you can think of a better solution.

When working abroad you’ll have to adjust to certain cultural differences and adapt your skills and experience to this new environment. Make sure you show that you’re a positive, enthusiastic ‘can do’ individual who is keen to learn.

This might be through work experience, a hobby or a previous job and you must give evidence of the situation.

5. Organization

Organized people usually use their time effectively, plan ahead and can juggle responsibilities. Therefore, it’s no wonder that these skills are desirable in candidates — it means that the individual should be more productive and likely to meet their targets.

Plus there’s the practical side of moving countries — making sure you have the correct visas or work permits, accommodation, enough money to start you off, to name a few. Employers will be wary that someone disorganized may also be unreliable, making them more reluctant to hire you.


To land a job abroad, it’s important that you include these skills on your CV. But make sure that you always give examples to back up your claims, whether this is from previous on-the-job experience, education or even voluntary work.

Follow the above recommendations and you should be on your way to being shortlisted for an interview in no time.

In case you still feel you need some expert help and support with transforming your CV/Resume to international standard, our experts at JapaDemy can help.

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