Join the International Migration Mentorship Academy

We are a team of passionate diaspora experts committed to investing in you through knowledge sharing, skill transfer, career mentorship and overseas exchange programs that will prepare and equip you for the future of work.

We’re excited to share a sneak peek of the ISM Scholarship Awardees Virtual Celebration, where we honored outstanding talents and introduced Japademy’s impactful initiatives.

The full event is now live on our YouTube channel! Head over to watch the inspiring stories, celebrations, and our shared vision for global opportunities.

Watch the full event here 


Navigate your jouney with global workplace skills

Upskill with global employability skill training, internationally accredited courses, and overseas exchange programs

  • Global employability skill training
  • Internationally accredited courses
  • Overseas exchange programs

16000+ community members
across 35 countries


Accelerate your career with mentor-matching

Achieve faster results with guidance and support from expert mentors resident in the diaspora.

  • Free career mentorship sessions
  • Impactful coaching programs 
  • AI-powered mentor-matching

50+ mentors from across
5 continents


Access Our Job Matching Pool

AI-powered ethical recruitment and talent management for accredited recruiters, employers and immigration experts.

  • Automated job-matching  
  • Audio-visual interviews for recruiters
  • Ethical direct hiring of job-ready talents

16000+ community members
across 35 countries


Get support from expert with lived experiences

Smooth adaption journey from country of origin. Seamless integration into destination country

  • Faster cultural adaptation
  • Seamless workplace integration
  • Settle, thrive and succeed

50+ coaches across
5 countries


Reduce Brain Drain, Support Brain Gain

Prepare, return and invest in talents in your home country.

  • Optimize your lived-experiences
  • Inspire the world with your stories 
  • Transfer your skills to talents in country of origin

16000+ community members
across 35 countries


AI-Powered App for global talent solutions

Are you a talent seeking international opportunities? Are you an employer seeking highly skilled, job-ready talents? Explore intelligent AI-driven insights and workforce flow for job-matching, talent hiring, management and retention on your Android or iOS devices.

Global Skill Centre

Tuition-free skill building, mentorship and apprenticeship programs in AI, tech, healthcare and entrepreneurship

Overseas career acceleration
and migration support

Overseas career acceleration and migration support

Explore options for career acceleration or relocation


“Japademy made my
dream come true"

Our good works speak through the lives we are impacting.
Here’s what our success stories look like.

Our good works speak through the lives we have impacted. Here’s what our success stories look like.


Latest from our blog

Stay updated on latest trends, updates, and opinions on the tech and
healthcare job market, and international studies and relocation.

Stay updated on latest trends, updates, and opinions on the tech and healthcare job market, and international studies and relocation.

Seamless overseas career support through job pool and talent matching hub

Brands we love and work with

Join thousands of talents actualising their dreams with Japademy